
In common with other primary schools in the area, Wingrove Primary School has a dress code.

Children should wear:

  • Dark grey or black pinafore/skirt/trousers    
  • White shirt or polo shirt                                            
  • School logo sweatshirt or cardigan (available from the school office)         
  • Black, grey or white socks, or, grey, navy or black tights
  • Black, flat, shoes (not trainers)          
  • Headscarves should be no longer than shoulder length, and should be black, red or blue


Dark grey shorts may be worn           

Blue or red gingham dress may be worn


Clothing For P.E. and Forest School 

Red Wingrove T-shirt (£6.25, from school office)

Black tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts (no logos)

Sports trainers (not fashion ones)

Wellington boots

Black tracksuit top or a Wingrove P.E. Hoodie (£12.25)

Please ensure that children have sports trainers (not fashion ones) that fit them correctly. Trainers that are too big contravene health and safety in lessons.

Wingrove Hoodies are available to KS1 and KS2 pupils (£12.25). We meet the cost of having them embroidered with your child’s first name. They cannot be exchanged for a different size – there are sample sizes in the school office.

Children may also wear a hat and gloves in cold weather

All Forest School lessons are held outdoors, whatever the weather

 Please label ALL of your child's clothing, including coats, with your child's name.